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9-й Бизнес-форум 1С:ERP

Фирма «1С» приглашает представителей компаний-пользователей и партнеров принять участие в 9-м Бизнес-форуме 1С: ERP , посвященном практике внедрения и развитию «1С:ERP» и других решений и сервисов «1С». Мероприятие уже традиционно вызывает большой интерес у представителей крупного и среднего бизнеса, количество участников растет с каждым годом.

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Ответ : Багратион, Шаров. Ответ : 18 октября г. Ответ : Ракетостроения строения. Ответ : единоверческого. Ответ : Центр флебологии.

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The global priority, since then, has been to stop a possible pandemic. As citizens of the world, all countries have worked to prevent outbreaks within their borders. Given the disparities in migration controls between countries, there has been widespread fear of contagion of their nationals. This fear is not unfounded; since the protocols for the prevention and management of these outbreaks by our countries in Latin America, in some cases, are not the most ideal nor rigorous. Back to China, although we do not know the precise causes of the origin and treatment of the disease related to this nCoV virus; what we do know is that is an acute respiratory condition Wuhan Pneumonia , easily spreading and has spread to about 80, people, globally, with a mortality close to 2, people. The solidarity of its people and companies has not waited to help alleviate this situation.

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